American Latino Museum Act Reintroduced in Congress
Photo credit: mpasquini |
Photo credit: mpasquini |
The federal government in February issued a ban on on the commercial sale of African elephant ivory. The administrative action came about quickly and was soon met by several complaints, including…
Last month the St. Louis Art Museum (SLAM) sued the US government to claim ownership of the ancient mask of Ka-Nefer-Nefer. The US government yesterday sued to forfeit the mask….
The Los Angeles County Superior Court has agreed to follow a joint stipulation filed by the Getty Museum and the Western Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America by…
“The order of the district court should be affirmed.” That is the simple conclusion written in the Harvard Art Museums’ appellate brief filed yesterday in the case of Rubin et…
Antiquities sellers soon will be covered by the Bank Secrecy Act. FinCen recently completed an advance public comment period over anticipated enforcement rules, sparking debate among heritage advocates, cultural property…
The video currently being shown on CNN to illustrate the current situation inside the Egyptian Museum in Cairo is posted at the following link: [Update November 9, 2011: Associate…