American Latino Museum Act Reintroduced in Congress
Photo credit: mpasquini |
Photo credit: mpasquini |
Last month the St. Louis Art Museum (SLAM) sued the US government to claim ownership of the ancient mask of Ka-Nefer-Nefer. The US government yesterday sued to forfeit the mask….
The Metropolitan Museum of Art can fight back against antiquities trafficking by hiring a provenance curator and by fully disclosing the chain of custody of collection objects. Nedjemankh’s coffin, surrendered…
The matter of Rubin v. Islamic Republic of Iran continues to make its way through the federal court system. On March 29, 2011 the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals issued…
The Weary Herakles has long been a poster child for the problems surrounding undocumented antiquities. The Museum of Fine Arts, Boston (MFA) acquired a partial interest in the top half…
There is sufficient anecdotal evidence to conclude that the illegal trade in cultural property may constitute a source of funding for terrorist networks.* This judgment is tacitly acknowledged by the Financial…
The University of Vermont (UVM) has recovered historical documents that disappeared from its library. The Burlington Free Press reports on October 4, 2011 that 67 documents were returned to UVM…