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Conflict and the Heritage Trade: Rise in U.S. Imports of Middle East “Antiques” and “Collectors’ Pieces” Raises Questions

American imports of art, collections and collectors’ pieces, and antiques from Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, and Turkey increased sharply between 2011 and 2013, prompting questions about whether trafficked heritage has piggybacked onto the mainstream marketplace.War,…

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UPDATED > Minding the Value Gap Between U.K. Exports and U.S. Imports of Works of Art, Collectors’ Pieces and Antiques

The reported export values of art and antiquities shipped from the United Kingdom to the United States over the last five years do not match the reported U.S. import values for…

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$2 Billion Missing in U.S.-U.K. Art and Antiquities Trade. Trade Based Money Laundering or Some Other Explanation?

It stands to reason that the declared export price of goods should match the declared import price of the same goods. So questions certainly arise when customs values reported by an…

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True Grit: Monica Hanna Defends Heritage in Egypt, Receives SAFE’s Prize

(C) SAFE. Used with permission. Khaemwaset was a royal prince who lived during the 13th century B.C. He became the first Egyptologist and was greatly revered in his time for conserving Egypt’s monuments….

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U.K. is Top Source Nation in 2013 for U.S. Imports of Archaeological, Historical, and Ethnological Goods

Switzerland in 2012 was the #1 source of archaeological, historical, and ethnological material imported into the United States. But U.S. import values from that country fell by 99.8%, leaving the former…

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Money Laundering and the Trade in Cultural Property: Taking a Fresh Look at Federal AML/CTFs

Mark Vlasic, former head of the Stolen Asset Recovery Initiative, noted in Thursday’s Huffington Post blog post titled “An Allied Effort to Save History” that after the post-9/11 crackdowns on terrorist financing, law enforcement has…