Oral Arguments Scheduled in Ka Nefer Nefer Mummy Mask Appeal
Source: Eight Circuit Court of Appeals |
UPDATE January 14, 2014: A summary of the oral argument can now be found here.
Source: Eight Circuit Court of Appeals |
Attorneys for Eric Prokopi on Friday filed a motion to dismiss in federal district court in the southern district of New York. The lawyers argue in the case of United…
Starkly contrasting reports have been given about the condition of archaeological sites at Abusir. Abusir is home to a Fifth Dynasty royal necropolis containing over a dozen pyramids, including those…
U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) detained what it calls “ancient indigenous artifacts” from Peru when Jean Combe Fritz, a Peruvian citizen, arrived at Miami International Airport in August 2010….
The video currently being shown on CNN to illustrate the current situation inside the Egyptian Museum in Cairo is posted at the following link: www.youtube.com/watch?v=5h5taeUh0aM [Update November 9, 2011: Associate…
“Please exempt ancient coins. Don’t ruin my hobby. Thanks[.]” That reaction summarizes many comments submitted to the Cultural Property Advisory Committee (CPAC) by dozens of ancient coin collectors worried about the adoption of…
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