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Can Canines Sniff Out Smuggled Artifacts? Working Dogs Join Fight to Save Cultural Heritage

Red Arch Cultural Heritage Law & Policy Research and the University of Pennsylvania’s Penn Vet Working Dog Center, in collaboration with the Penn Museum (University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology…

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Government Watchdog Says Goals Lacking for Key Cultural Heritage Committee; State Department Pledges to Fix Problem

“[W]e found that there was no consensus and no clear delineation of the specific roles and responsibilities of the entities on the CHCC and its working groups.” – GAOThe Cultural…

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State Attorneys General Should Address the Scam of Illegal Antiquities in the Marketplace

State attorneys general should address the ballooning scam of criminals using the art and antiquities marketplace to sell faked, forged, looted, stolen, and smuggled cultural property. This hijacking of the trade…

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War, Antiquities, and Responses: Colgate University Conference on Preserving Cultural Heritage in Times of Conflict

Monuments Men author Robert Edsel speaking at Colgate University. From the looters shovel to the auction gavel, large scale cultural property theft and destruction occur during times of instability. That is how…

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Museum Loss Prevention: Apply Rigorous Due Diligence

What due diligence can museums undertake to protect their collections of artifacts from risks of legal seizure?Museums routinely and successfully protect their archaeological collections from threats of loss posed by…