Brooklyn Man Indicted for Egyptian Artifact Smuggling. Did COVID-19 Impact Grand Jury Selection?
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Brooklyn Man Indicted for Egyptian Artifact Smuggling. Did COVID-19 Impact Grand Jury Selection?

Man who arrived at JFK Airport and indicted for allegedly possessing illicit Egyptian artifacts had unfair jury panel, defense lawyer suggests. Ancient Egyptian canopic jar lids are someof the antiquities…

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AUSA Calls Baltimore Test Case “A Numismatic Fantasy”

AUSA Molissa Farber “It’s not a case about coins that the Guild wants. This is a case about regulations that the Guild doesn’t want.” That’s how Assistant United States Attorney…

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Can Canines Sniff Out Smuggled Artifacts? Working Dogs Join Fight to Save Cultural Heritage

Red Arch Cultural Heritage Law & Policy Research and the University of Pennsylvania’s Penn Vet Working Dog Center, in collaboration with the Penn Museum (University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology…

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Hobby Lobby Forfeiture: $3 Million is Not a Fine. So What Is It?

The case of United States v. Approximately Four Hundred Fifty (450) Ancient Cuneiform Tablets and Approximately Three Thousand (3,000) Ancient Clay Bullae–the Hobby Lobby cultural artifacts case—involves two parts: (1)…

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Cultural Property Forfeiture: Hobby Lobby Could Pay $2000/Day if U.S. Attorney’s Agreement Violated

Cuneiform tablet subject to forfeiture. After a six and a half year probe by federal authority into ancient cultural property imports acquired by Hobby Lobby, the U.S. Attorney’s Office in…