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President Obama Fills More Cultural Heritage Policy Positions

Two weeks ahead of President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration, President Barack Obama made further appointments to cultural heritage policy posts. The White House announced the reappointment of the following individuals on…

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Ahead of Term’s End, President Makes Several Cultural Heritage Board Appointments

President Barack Obama, over the past few months, appointed several men and women to serve on key boards, commissions, and committees that impact cultural heritage policy. His term in office…

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Feds Publish New US-Egypt Cultural Property Import Rules

Importers have new rules to follow when shipping archaeological material from Egypt, and customs officers have a fresh tool to target contraband antiquities smuggled from Egypt into the United States. Published…

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One Side of the Coin: ACCG Re-Argues Previously Decided Legal Issues in Baltimore Test Case

Some of the ancient coins in dispute in U.S. v. 3 Knife-Shaped Coins. Court decisions in 2014 and 2015 rejected the Ancient Coin Collectors Guild’s (ACCG) demand to revisit legal issues already…

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MoUs: Italy Renewed; Egypt Still Pursued; Cambodia and Belize Get a CPAC Interlude

United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and the Treasury Department have promulgated rules, effective today, that extend import restrictions on archaeological material originating from Italy. First erected by a…

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Italy Asks for MoU Renewal to Protect Cultural Heritage

The Italian government has asked the United States to renew a bilateral agreement or Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) restricting American import of archaeological artifacts in jeopardy of pillage. The protective…