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Honduras MoU Renewal Attracts Comments Ahead of Tomorrow’s CPAC Meeting – Inclusion of Colonial and Republican Objects in Dispute

“Please help us,” pleaded Honduran archaeologist Ricardo Agurcia in written remarks submitted to the Cultural Property Advisory Committee (CPAC). He and nearly twenty others submitted remarks to CPAC in advance…

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Upcoming CPAC Meeting To Consider Honduras MoU Renewal – El Salvador Interim Review Also Expected

Today’s Federal Register announces the U.S. Secretary of State’s intention to propose a renewal of the cultural property Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Honduras. The request to extend the five…

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U.S. Import Protections Extended on Cambodian Heritage

As arguments heat up in the civil forfeiture case of United States of America v. A 10th Century Cambodian Sandstone Sculpture Currently Located at Sotheby’s, U.S. Customs and Border Protection and the Treasury…

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Arguments For and Against U.S.-China MoU Renewal Submitted to CPAC

“The import restrictions are intended to reduce the incentive for pillage and illicit trafficking in cultural objects.” That was the conclusion of the United States government on January 14, 2009…