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War, Antiquities, and Responses: Colgate University Conference on Preserving Cultural Heritage in Times of Conflict

Monuments Men author Robert Edsel speaking at Colgate University. From the looters shovel to the auction gavel, large scale cultural property theft and destruction occur during times of instability. That is how…

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Hobby Lobby Forfeiture: $3 Million is Not a Fine. So What Is It?

The case of United States v. Approximately Four Hundred Fifty (450) Ancient Cuneiform Tablets and Approximately Three Thousand (3,000) Ancient Clay Bullae–the Hobby Lobby cultural artifacts case—involves two parts: (1)…

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Cultural Property Forfeiture: Hobby Lobby Could Pay $2000/Day if U.S. Attorney’s Agreement Violated

Cuneiform tablet subject to forfeiture. After a six and a half year probe by federal authority into ancient cultural property imports acquired by Hobby Lobby, the U.S. Attorney’s Office in…

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Federal Court Leaves CPIA Coin Import Regs Untouched

The District Court of Maryland once again has refused the Ancient Coin Collectors Guild’s (ACCG) invitation to strike down or weaken import restrictions that protect endangered ancient coins. The court instead ordered…

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Antiquities Forfeiture Under USA PATRIOT Act Marks Milestone in Cultural Heritage Law

One of four artifacts targeted by federal prosecutors forforfeiture, featured in a photo found in the possession of ISIS. Prosecutors last week filed a forfeiture complaint in federal district court to acquire…