Egyptian Museum No Longer Accepting Cultural Object Inquiries (For Now)
The Egyptian Museum, Cairo Source: Bs0u10e01, Creative Commons |
To whom it may concern,
The Egyptian Museum, Cairo Source: Bs0u10e01, Creative Commons |
To whom it may concern,
Lawmakers on Capitol Hill are once again urged to adopt an Emergency Protection of Egyptian Cultural Antiquities Act (EPECAA). A law implementing import restrictions on trafficked ancient Egyptian heritage is needed because the…
Import controls must be implemented with all deliberate speed, particularly now that a potential request to protect endangered Egyptian artifacts has been announced publicly. Cultural heritage watchers over the last…
Importers have new rules to follow when shipping archaeological material from Egypt, and customs officers have a fresh tool to target contraband antiquities smuggled from Egypt into the United States. Published…
The United States and Egypt signed a cultural property Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Wednesday after lengthy consideration. The agreement, authorized by the Convention on Cultural Property Implementation Act (CPIA), restricts…
Egyptian coffin seized by ICEin the case of US v. Khouli et al.Photo: ICE The US District Court for the Eastern District of New York held a status conference in the criminal…
The Egyptian people are to be lauded for their desire for liberty, which has borne significant fruit thus far. George Washington noted that “[l]iberty, when it begins to take root,…